Foundation courses
Our Myopia Management Made Simple courses are each 1 hour in length, and designed to provide you with the core knowledge to be comfortable in starting myopia management in your clinical practice. Emphasis is placed on practical information with step by step instructions for you to follow and case studies to help you solidify your learning.
The Foundation Course Bundle includes six (6) total courses and six (6) continuing education hours, and provides a 40% discount compared to individual course purchase. Courses can also be taken individually.
SPECIAL OFFER FOR MYOPIA ACTION MONTH, September 2024: Use the code MAM2024 at checkout and get an additional 20% discount off the Bundle, representing a saving of 52% compared to individual course purchase.
Myopia Management Made Simple
Get across the evidence, clinical steps, prescribing decisions and communication for best-practice myopia management.
Visual Environment in Myopia Made Simple
Identify risk factors and learn how outdoor time, near work or screen time influence myopia, with clinical recommendations.
Spectacles for Myopia Management Made Simple
Understand the evidence, new designs, efficacy and visual outcomes and prescribing decisions in myopia control spectacles.
Advanced courses
Our advanced courses build on your existing myopia management knowledge and experience. Emphasis is placed on delving deep into the scientific literature to give a thorough understanding in myopia management and best practices for implementing the research into clinical practice.
The Advanced Course Bundle includes five (5) total courses and eleven (11) continuing education hours, and provides a 40% discount compared to individual course purchase. Courses can also be taken individually.
Communicating the Myopia Message
Helping you master effective and efficient clinical myopia management without having to become a science expert.
Mastering Refraction for Kids
Increasing your knowledge, clinical skills and confidence in refraction techniques and prescribing decisions for children.
Myopia Management with Spectacles
Detail on prescribing decisions, new technologies, efficacy, binocular vision and practice considerations.
Comprehensive training
Our comprehensive training courses cover all you need to know to build your fundamental knowledge and confidence in specific areas of clinical practice. These in-depth ‘boot camp’ style courses step you through phased leaning pathways to support development of your practical skill base, including video demonstrations and downloadable reference information.
The Comprehensive Training bundle includes two (2) total courses and twelve (12) continuing education hours, and provides a 40% discount compared to individual course purchase. Courses can also be taken individually.
Orthokeratology Fundamentals
A structured introduction to orthok lens fitting that you can follow at your own pace.
Binocular Vision Fundamentals
Simplifies how to assess, diagnose and manage BV disorders with easy to follow video instructions, demonstrations and downloadable reference infographics