Course summary.
20 Lessons, 2 hours, 20 MCQ'sAccredited in: United States; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; United Kingdom
Dr Kate Gifford PhD Clare MaherCost $50 USD
Reduced course fee available for low income countries, applied at checkout.About this course.
All myopic children will require spectacles: for myopia correction or control, as a primary treatment or a back-up to contact lenses. This course covers all aspects of spectacle lens prescribing for myopia, from first corrections in very young children to standard progressive addition and bifocal designs through to the latest technologies for myopia control. The research base is translated into clinical guidance for spectacle prescribing in childhood myopia, including decision trees. This course provides vitally important knowledge for eye care practitioners on this necessary correction for all myopic children.
At the end of this two-hour course, you should be up-skilled and ready to:
- Explain the clinical rationale for use of single vision spectacles in children with myopia, including very young children
- Describe the efficacy evidence for various myopia control spectacle interventions
- Communicate a simple comparison of spectacle lens myopia control treatments to other available treatments, based on scientific evidence
- Describe the similarities and differences in the new generation of myopia controlling spectacle lens designs
- Explain patient pathways for prescribing spectacle lenses for children with myopia, based on clinical objectives and binocular vision status
- Discuss practical aspects of spectacle lens prescribing such as sun protection, frame fitting and parent communication.
Accredited in: United States; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; United Kingdom
Learner outcomes.
Course details.
Meet the instructors.
Dr Kate Gifford PhD
Dr Kate Gifford is a clinical optometrist, researcher, peer educator and professional leader from Brisbane, Australia, and a co-founder of Myopia Profile.
Clare Maher
What you will learn.
Chapter 1: Introduction - 4 Lessons
Learn about the course content, navigate the platform and set your learning goals.
- Why spectacles matter in myopia control
- Disclosures
- How to use this course
- Your continuing education
Chapter 2: Starting with single vision - 3 Lessons
Learn about clinical situations where single vision lenses could be suitable for kids with myopia, including advice on finalizing the prescription for very young children.
- When to prescribe single vision
- Single vision for very young myopes
- Test your learning 1
Chapter 3: Progressive addition and bifocal lenses - 4 Lessons
See how all spectacle lens options compare for myopia control efficacy, then explore the role of progressive and bifocal lenses for children with myopia.
- Comparing efficacy of all spectacle lenses for myopia control
- Myopia prescribing with progressive addition and bifocal lenses
- Prescribing PALs and bifocals based on binocular vision
- Test your learning 2
Chapter 4: The next generation of myopia controlling spectacle lenses - 3 Lessons
Explore the fascinating technology and robust clinical trial results of new design spectacle lenses for myopia control, including how they impact acuity and binocular vision.
- Understanding new technology in myopia controlling spectacles
- Visual function and binocular vision outcomes
- Test your learning 3
Chapter 5: The summary on spectacles for myopia management - 6 Lessons
Put it into practice with decision trees for prescribing, important info on sun protection and four considerations for your practice systems.
- Decision trees for prescribing spectacle options
- Sun protection for kids
- Practical considerations: frames, follow-up, full-time wear and family discussions
- Test your learning 4
- Myopia Profile Academy: explore your next learning journey
- Congratulations, you did it! Here's what's next
Course Reviews.
Myopia spectacles
Very informative and right on the subject
Great job doctor
Very well explained. I find all of the content to be usefull in real life practice. Thank you for sharing this amazing infirmation.
Very practical and informative.
This was a very helpful article. It also directed you to further study and articles if you wanted a deep delve into a particular topic.