Course summary.
41 Lessons, 6 hours, 60 MCQ'sAccredited in: Australia; United Kingdom; New Zealand
Dr Kate Gifford PhDCost $160 USD
Reduced course fee available for low income countries, applied at checkout.About this course.
Binocular Vision Fundamentals is an innovative, world first online course to refresh and upskill your knowledge and clinical skills in binocular vision (BV) diagnosis and management. In this course, you will be guided through 12 lessons, which start with a simplified two-system approach to BV assessment and diagnosis. Stepping through understanding of the accommodation and vergence systems, it covers clinical tests, diagnostic criteria, prescribing and management. Once this foundation is set, the course moves onto clinical communication and the importance of BV in myopia management. Always with a laser sharp focus on the clinical applications, participants are provided video examples of assessment techniques and chairside infographic summary downloads to reference in practice, as well as reflection questions and peer discussion opportunities, and multiple-choice questions to test your learning.
Accredited in: Australia; United Kingdom; New Zealand
Learner outcomes.
Course details.
Meet the instructors.
Dr Kate Gifford PhD
Dr Kate Gifford is a clinical optometrist, researcher, peer educator and professional leader from Brisbane, Australia, and a co-founder of Myopia Profile.
What you will learn.
Chapter 1: Welcome to the course - 4 Lessons
- Welcome to Binocular Vision Fundamentals! Here's what you'll learn
- Disclosures
- How to use this course
- Your continuing education
Chapter 2: Why binocular vision matters - 3 Lessons
Understand the link between binocular vision disorders and patient symptoms, and relevance to myopia management.
- Part 1 - Why Binocular Vision Matters
- Reflection question 1
- Test your learning 1
Chapter 3: The two system approach - 3 Lessons
A simplified approach to assessing vergence and accommodation function is described, underpinning the rest of the course. The clinical picture of a normal binocular vision system is also provided.
- Part 2 - The Two System Approach
- Reflection question 2
- Test your learning 2
Chapter 4: Assessing vergence - 3 Lessons
This chapter explains and demonstrates techniques to assess horizontal heterophoria and fusional reserves at distance and near, and provides a clinical picture of normal vergence function to support diagnosis.
- Part 3 - Assessing Vergence
- Reflection question 3
- Test your learning 3
Chapter 5: Assessing accommodation - 3 Lessons
This chapter explains and demonstrates techniques to assess accommodative lag and facility at near, and provides a clinical picture of normal accommodation function to support diagnosis.
- Part 4 - Assessing Accommodation
- Reflection question 4
- Test your learning 4
Chapter 6: Accommodation and vergence interactions - 3 Lessons
The interaction between accommodation an vergence systems is described, from its mechanical basis to assessment of AC/A ratio at near using various techniques.
- Part 5 - Accommodation and Vergence Interactions
- Reflection question 5
- Test your learning 5
Chapter 7: Mastering your retinoscope - 3 Lessons
The most valuable part of your binocular vision toolkit - retinoscopy - is explained and demonstrated to help you master distance and near free-space measurement techniques.
- Part 6 - Mastering your Retinoscope
- Reflection question 6
- Test your learning 6
Chapter 8: Managing vergence problems - 3 Lessons
In this chapter, we establish management pathways for vergence disorders involving a variety of techniques including adds, prism prescribing and vision training.
- Part 7 - Managing Vergence Problems
- Reflection question 7
- Test your learning 7
Chapter 9: Managing accommodation problems - 3 Lessons
In this chapter, we establish management pathways for accommodation disorders involving near adds and vision training techniques.
- Part 8 - Managing Accommodation Problems
- Reflection question 8
- Test your learning 8
Chapter 10: Managing the two systems together - 3 Lessons
This chapter discusses complex cases of vergence and accommodation interaction, providing the framework for diagnosis and management of simultaneous disorders of both vergence and accommodation.
- Part 9 - Managing the Two Systems Together
- Reflection question 9
- Test your learning 9
Chapter 11: Explaining BV to parents and patients - 3 Lessons
All of this new knowledge becomes clinically powerful when we can appropriately explain it to parents and patients. This chapter provides simple analogies and approaches to explaining complex clinical concepts in lay language.
- Part 10 - Explaining BV to Parents and Patients
- Reflection question 10
- Test your learning 10
Chapter 12: BV and myopia control - 3 Lessons
Binocular vision is relevant to myopia risk identification, prescribing and outcomes. This chapter explains the key ‘red flag’ conditions to enable formulation of comprehensive myopia management plans.
- Part 11 - Binocular Vision and Myopia Control
- Reflection question 11
- Test your learning 11
Chapter 13: Prescribing for BV and myopia management - 3 Lessons
The final chapter discusses myopia control efficacy and visual comfort outcomes in terms of binocular vision, including identification of specific management pathways with seven case studies.
- Part 12 - Prescribing for BV and Myopia Management
- Reflection question 12
- Test your learning 12
Chapter 14: Next steps
Course Reviews.
Comprehensive BV assessment
Thank You Kate
Clear course Empowers Practicioners
Kate provides a well structured course empowering practitioners to easily assess and correct binocular vision as well as useful tools to better communicate with Patients and parents. Also Kate wonderfully goes on to include the context of myopia control.
BV 101
I wish I had done this course a lot earlier. The concepts presented were simple to understand, tests easy to perform. I hope I can provide my patients with a deeper understanding of why their clear glasses aren't working