Course summary.

8 Lessons, 1 hour, 10 MCQ's
Accredited in: United States; Canada; United Kingdom; New Zealand


Dr Kate Gifford PhD Jeanne Saw Dr Paul Gifford PhD

About this course.

This intensely practical course is designed to help to get to grips with myopia management evidence and treatments, with a strong focus on clinical steps to take and communication with parents and patients. Over 100 scientific references are summarized to help you understand the evidence on myopia development and progression; step-by-step guidance on what to do in practice; clinical communication including managing expectations and gauging success; exploring myopia control treatments and comparative efficacy; prescribing considerations, case studies and more. Myopia Management Made Simple will provide you with the knowledge and resources for best-practice clinical myopia management.


Accredited in: United States; Canada; United Kingdom; New Zealand

Learner outcomes.

Course details.

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100% Online
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Step-by-step guidance
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Communication tips
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Completion certificate
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Self paced learning
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Graded quizzes

Meet the instructors.

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Dr Kate Gifford PhD

Dr Kate Gifford is a clinical optometrist, researcher, peer educator and professional leader from Brisbane, Australia, and a co-founder of Myopia Profile.

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Jeanne Saw

Jeanne is a clinical optometrist based in Sydney, Australia. She has worked as a research assistant with leading vision scientists, and has a keen interest in myopia control and professional education.

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Dr Paul Gifford PhD

Dr Paul Gifford is a research scientist and industry innovator based in Brisbane, Australia, and co-founder of Myopia Profile.

What you will learn.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Get the course overview and download the list of over 100 scientific references.

Chapter 2: The evidence

A brief overview of myopia control studies, why myopia progresses and the role of visual environment. 

Chapter 3: Understanding the fundamentals

The 'why' and 'how' of myopia management explained: pathology and visual impairment risks, impact of myopia, when to start and stop, and three clinical pillars.

Chapter 4: Get started in practice

A step-by-step guide including communication advice, managing expectations and gauging treatment success. 

Chapter 5: Myopia control treatments

A concise and clinically actionable overview of available treatments, comparative efficacy and prescribing considerations.

Chapter 6: Case studies

Two interactive case studies put you in the driving seat of the clinical diagnosis, communication and management decisions.

Chapter 7: Test your learning

Ten multiple choice questions to emphasize key points across the course and help you recall the main messages for clinical practice.

Chapter 8: Summary and further learning

Course Reviews.


Review stars
4.87 (76)
Review stars
88.16% are 5-star reviews.
Review stars
10.53% are 4-star reviews.
Review stars
1.32% are 3-star reviews.
Review stars
0% are 2-star reviews.
Review stars
0% are 1-star reviews.
Review stars

Great Course!

A great, free option to work through to gain insights into how to best communicate with parents, what myopia management options are available to me, and the research behind it all.

Samantha T - 10 days ago
Review stars

Knowledge about Myopia

Very good and helpful knowledge about Myopia.

Vijay Shankar P - 12 days ago
Review stars

Good Learning

It's a basic course for myopia but nothing is missing in this course about myopia. It's very helpful to everyone either he practitioners or he is patient.

Vijay P - 12 days ago
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