Course summary.
58 Lessons, 6 hours, 60 MCQ'sAccredited in: United Kingdom; New Zealand; Australia
Dr Paul Gifford PhDCost $160 USD
Reduced course fee available for low income countries, applied at checkout.About this course.
Orthokeratology Fundamentals will guide you through the theoretical and practical foundation to get started with your first few orthokeratology (OK) fits. Specifically designed for the new fitter, this course will set you up for success and build your confidence in fitting OK lenses.
You will first learn how OK works and the changes that these lenses make to the eye during overnight wear. With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be guided through selecting your first patient; the clinical measurements that you should take and their interpretation to select the best lens to fit; dispensing and assessment of lens fit and eye health at follow up visits.
Accredited in: United Kingdom; New Zealand; Australia
Learner outcomes.
Course details.
Meet the instructors.
Dr Paul Gifford PhD
Dr Paul Gifford is a research scientist and industry innovator based in Brisbane, Australia, and co-founder of Myopia Profile.
What you will learn.
Chapter 1: Welcome to Orthokeratology Fundamentals - 4 Lessons
- Welcome to Orthokeratology Fundamentals! Here's what you will learn.
- Disclosures
- How to use this course
- Your continuing education
Chapter 2: Important background knowledge - 7 Lessons
In this chapter you will learn how OK has evolved from fitting PMMA contact lenses as an attempt to alter corneal shape, to correcting refractive error into modern reverse geometry designs that provide accelerated effect during overnight wear. Types of OK lens design are covered alongside who you should and should not fit with OK.
- The history of OK
- How OK works
- Time course of changes
- Types of OK lens design
- Why fit OK
- Downloadable summary 1
- Test your learning 1
Chapter 3: Corneal topography - 6 Lessons
OK lenses correct refractive error by temporarily altering corneal topography, which makes measuring and analyzing corneal topography an important skill for you to master. In this chapter you will learn how corneal topography works; tips to capture the best quality topography image; and how to analyze topography maps.
- Introduction to corneal topography
- Capturing awesome topography images
- Demonstration of corneal topography capture
- Understanding topography maps
- Downloadable summary 2
- Test your learning 2
Chapter 4: Limitations of OK, patient selection and lens fitting procedure - 9 Lessons
This chapter builds on the first two chapters to understand how baseline corneal topography and refractive error influence lens fit, and the limits of correction that can be achieved from OK. You will then learn the steps to follow to select a first lens, its dispensing and instructions to provide your patient for their first night of lens wear.
- Limits of refraction
- Essential topography measures
- Corneal toricity
- Other factors and patient selection summary
- Lens fit
- Dispensing and instruction
- Lenses dispensed - next up, assessment after the first night of wear
- Downloadable summary 3
- Test your learning 3
Chapter 5: First night follow up - 8 Lessons
The response from the first night of lens wear can be variable, making the first follow-up visit more about ensuring your patient is proficient in lens handling than assessing lens fit and refraction outcomes. In this chapter you will learn what to expect and how to manage the different presentations, and how to manage shortfall in refraction correction while the OK effect improves over the next few days of lens wear.
- Procedure after the first night of lens wear
- Managing corneal staining
- Managing refraction outcomes
- Corneal topography difference map assessment
- Demonstration cases: initial lens fit and first night follow up
- First night accomplished, now to prepare for the one week follow up
- Downloadable summary 4
- Test your learning 4
Chapter 6: One week follow up - 15 Lessons
By one week of wear the full OK effect is expected, requiring you to understand the topography map patterns that represent different lens fit outcomes. Each map type is analysed in detail in this chapter, including description of the map characteristics that define each pattern type and advice on how to modify lens fit to improve fit and refraction outcomes.
- One week follow up procedure
- Optimal fit - Bullseye and variations
- Steep fits - Central Islands
- Flat fits - Smiley & Frowney faces
- Lateral decentration
- Managing NaFl staining at one week
- Managing refraction at 1-week
- Changing lens fit for refraction
- Next steps
- Downloadable summary 5
- Introduction to demonstration cases
- Demonstration - Bullseye
- Demonstration - Pseudo Frowney Face
- Demonstration - Central Island
- Test your learning 5
Chapter 7: One month and beyond - 8 Lessons
With your patient now established in OK, your attention shifts to long term management. In this chapter you will learn when your patient should return for follow-up appointments, and the procedure to follow at these visits to maintain long term success from OK lens wear, alongside maximizing safety and ensuring continued good eye health.
- Long term follow up visit procedure
- Assessing changes to refraction
- Managing long term refraction
- Assessing corneal topography over the long term
- Long term effects of orthok, safety and eye health
- Orthok lens care and replacement
- Downloadable summary 6
- Test your learning 6
Chapter 8: Next steps
Course Reviews.
OrthoK isn't all too daunting afterall
Very help and beginner friendly guide. Thanks Paul!
Excellent resource
This course was very helpful, learnt lots of extra tips and tricks despite it being a beginner course. Thank you so much Paul!