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Myopia Risk Assessment Worksheet

Kate developed The Clinical Myopia Profile to help tell the myopia story - to manage clinical time by providing detailed and efficient explanations to parents and patients. Now available in four different translations, the Myopia Profile guides you through the three pillars of myopia management by prompting on the steps needed to develop a management plan while ensuring informed consent.


Translation versions included

  • English
  • Cantonese
  • French
  • German

How to Use

Pillar 1: Myopia risk assessment

Myopia development and progression is determined by genetic factors, individual characteristics and the visual environment. This accessible and engaging 'traffic light' section of the Myopia Profile helps to describe both pre-myopia and myopia progression risks to parents and patients.

Pillar 2: Visual environment recommendations

You may have fit the perfect myopia controlling contact lens, but it all may come to naught if your patient sits indoors on a screen every day! Every child, whether an at-risk pre-myope or progressing myope, benefits from this simple visual environment advice. This is a part of full scope myopia management regardless of which treatment you decide to recommend and prescribe.

Pillar 3: Selecting a treatment strategy

More than 30 myopia control studies have been summarised in this table describing the options, to help you guide parents and patients to an informed decision on management. The management pathways flow chart helps to clarify your own clinical thinking and communicate this to parents and patients.